Monday, May 10, 2010

Scam Artists!

I was just verbally assaulted by some young adult/teenager who tried to con me. First, he spoke so quickly I could barely understand what he was saying. And what I did understand made me think twice. It would be random comments, like "a rat on acid. Just kidding." There was a lot of that. But he told me about how if he was one of the top two sellers in the state, he would get college scholarship and a trip to anywhere in the world. He wanted to go to Rome to see the Vatican, and be the first person in his family to go to college. But when he told me what he wanted a degree in, it was something I had never heard of. I've gone to three colleges/universities, and hold three degrees (working on my fourth). I've never heard of it. Whatever, that's okay, I guess. How very admirable of him to be trying to accomplish such a goal.

As he continues to talk about the points he gets, how much the magazines cost, ways to pay, he's slowing creeping closer to the door. Finally, I get up the nerve to say "No thank you, I'm not interested." He gives me this look like I just shot his dog, and says, "What did I do wrong?" I responded, "Well first of all, you're practically in my apartment!" He was standing on the doorstop/threshold/bump-on-the-floor-thingie, which meant his toes were in my apartment. And just so you know, I'm not by myself. My two-year-old daughter is running around eating her popcycle, and this stranger is trying to get in my house. So after I called him on that, he steps back. I also point out that he's speaking way too quickly for me to understand what he's saying, so he insists on giving me the whole schpiel again, slightly slower. I still don't understand half of what he's saying.

I'm on the verge of giving in, when I start to here inconsistencies in his story. The amount of points I would give him changes. His rank keeps changing: first he's 13th, then 17th, then if I don't buy from him he'll drop down to 50th. Finally, I realized that my inner sense was telling me to say goodbye. This was too uncomfortable. So I again told him that I was not interested. Then he turned hostile. Again he asked what he did wrong. I told him that I was not interested. It took several minutes to convince him that I wasn't going to buy from him. I shut and LOCKED the door. Then went to look up this company online. Guess what? Scam! All these complaints of people who didn't receive magazines, or their money back. And that some salespeople had been imprisoned for assault, rape, theft. *shudder* And he was almost in my apartment. My daughter was here! No thanks.

Don't buy from solicitors.


  1. Hi Ashley! :-)

    We've had so much trouble with solicitors so we finally put up a sign in our front window, next to our front door that says:

    Our house is just fine.
    Magazines = unnecessary
    Registered and voted already.
    We know God loves us.
    We donate at church.

    Needless to say we haven't had any solicitors since then (they look at the sign and turn around and leave) and we get plenty of chuckles of understanding from our guests.

  2. I WAS HARASSED BY THAT GUY AT CLARK!!!!!!! I was with a friend and he wouldn't shut up. He asked "do you know what the money's for?" and I said the first thing that came to mind- public transportation lol. I didn't really know what he was talking about. But it might have been a different guy cuz when my friend and I finally got to say no he left...
